The term value contrast refers to the relationship between areas of dark and even darker.
The term value contrast refers to the relationship between areas of dark and even darker.

the term value contrast refers to the relationship between areas of dark and even darker. the term value contrast refers to the relationship between areas of dark and even darker.

Most artists do not overlook the planning stage and it is the fastest and most effective way to move past strictly replicating photographs. It is much easier to change the value pattern than to change the piece once we are already in the midst of working. To avoid having to rework you composition, it is important that we do not begin without some understanding of where we are going. This planning stage will give you a better chance of making a focused and entertaining composition. When organizing your composition it is important that you spend some time before beginning to think about the arrangement of the lights, darks and mid-tones in your composition. The value pattern is the careful choice of arrangement of all the values of a piece of artwork by an artist in order to guide the eye and unify all the objects/figures in the piece. Value Scale is a scale that shows the gradual change in value from its lightest value, white to its darkest value black.Ī value pattern is the key to creating a pleasing visual path for the eye to follow as it views a composition.Value Contrast is where light values are placed next to dark values to create contrast or strong differences.Low-Key is where the picture is all dark values.High-Key is where the picture is all light values.Shade is adding black to paint to create dark values such as dark blue or dark red.Tint is adding white to color paint to create lighter values such as light blue or pink.If values contrast, shapes will appear to separate in space and some will stand out from the others. If values are close, shapes will seem to flatten out, and seem closely connected in space none will stand out from the others. Contrast of value separates objects in space, while gradation of value suggests mass and contour of a contiguous surface. Value creates depth within a picture making an object look three-dimensional with highlights and cast shadows, or in a landscape where it gets lighter in value as it recedes to the background giving the illusion of depth. It also illuminates the local or actual color of the subject. Value is created by a light source that shines on an object creating highlights and shadows. Value is the range of lightness and darkness within a picture.

The term value contrast refers to the relationship between areas of dark and even darker.